Tuesday, June 22, 2010

harvest has begun

transportation units

raspberries my favourite
tomatoes, vine ripe

lettuce... and some weeds

radish, best I've ever had

big cucumber or tiny hands
basil, cucumber and radish

Monday, June 21, 2010


“Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” 1987- Our Common Future

Sunday, June 13, 2010

feast your eyes on this


Add your choice of above ingredients and substitute for what you like best or have on hand. Your favourite bean or couscous will work best just make sure they are cooked.

I chose to make a light dressing to accompany this particular salad with a mixture of fresh lemon juice, Savory, Dill, Parsley and fresh pepper and some of the left over juice from the feta container for its natural saltiness.

In the past I have made a dressing with a bit of olive oil, balsamic vinegar a dash of sugar, dill and oregano. Follow your desires when it comes to dressing and use your favourite things.

toss together

ENJOY this super healthy salad.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Farmers Market

I was so excited to take a trip to the farmers market on Thursday. I usually never get to go beucase I am always working on Thursdays and Saturdays when the markets are on. I finally got to enjoy a visit. Here are some pictures of the Bonzai Guy and a few other things.

above tree is 30 years old

Farmers market booth

super good bread from the market, red pepper and feta

What I brought home plus free savory. BONUS

Check out the farmers market near you. Always a good time even if to just explore.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Environment week

I encourage everyone to take part in the commuter challenge and use alternative modes of transportation whether its walking, biking rollerblading or whatever you can do to lesson your environmental footprint. Pack litter less lunches and unplug all cords from outlets that are not being used. Together we can reduce, reuse, recycle and refuse to buy products with excess packaging. Just becuase you are not in school anymore doesn't mean you can't pick up garbage or make yourself more aware of your own local natural environment. Happy Enviro Week fellow earthkeepers!
Environment Canada for helpful Eco-tips

Hummus in the Park

I love making homemade hummus, it taste great, super healthy, simple and impressive
What you need:

2 tbsp Tahini paste (sesame seed puree) must have

1 tbsp fresh lemon juice

1 can chickpea reserve a small amount of liquid and drain the rest

2 garlic cloves dice fine and cook in olive oil for a couple minutes on low heat

1 tsp olive oil

I like to add some ground red pepper for heat and parsley flakes, some like to add paprika etc.
Mix all ingredients together using a blender, food processor, emulsion blender etc. add more oil or reserved chickpea juice to make as smooth or chunky as you desire. Serve with fresh cut veggies, pitas, and crackers whatever you prefer. Hummus is an excellent summer picnic item.